SW version as of 11/19/2015
This app is being reported by the public media as an app to report terrorism nationwide in the USA. The app does not allow for Anonymous reporting of information. It does not allow for record storage of pictures taken notes reported within the app for your personal records. The App does not document penalties if known information being sent is false information and penalties if any involved. No verification of name and phone number to verify individual reporting information. App could allow for bad people to misuse and attempt to dis credit someones identity. Reporting definitions as very simplistic and should offer options for detailed examples to educate the user what to report and what not to report in a scenario. This sort of app would probably be better served for the US citizen if it were offered from a US government entity. This app attempts from a private entity side to address the concerns of 9/11 call emergency, DHS fusion center, and non-emergency call centers lack of support for SMS, active texting,and picture sharing to these services directly. It is not known what or how this private entities profit model is with use of this information.
Lincoln R about
See Send