Its a terrific way to be part of the Surveillance State!!
Its a terrific way to be part of the Surveillance State!!
This app was straightforward and easy to use. This gives us an easy way to report suspicious activity to the appropriate authorities without having to memorize tipline phone numbers.
Nice app; easy to use and good tips on things to watch for
Great app. It should also be expanded to link to utility companies for reporting downed power lines, ruptured gas and water lines. Would be great for pinpointing exact locations.
Great App! allows reporting suspicious activities to be at your fingertips. Would be great on college campuses.i
Easy to use and it makes me feel safe!
Easy to use and provides a sense of security!
Thanks for making an app where a tip gets gets to the right people not lost or ignored.
Great app. Very easy to use. Has the ability to aid law enforcement in a big way.
Great app. Very easy to use and understand. Had the ability to aid law enforcement in a big way.
Love the straightforward design and ease of use. Also very informative in terms of activities that should be reported, and smart in managing chain of custody. Thank you for the opportunity to support the war on terrorism!
Living in DC, Ive seen a lot of weird things that Ive wondered if I should call it in or not. Now this app makes it super fast and simple for me to do my civil duty. Nice app. Quality, simple interface. Runs fast and quick setup step. Great!
This is the most useful app I have ever downloaded! A must have!
This app helped me take down a very mean and anti Obama terrorist cell!!
Straight forward and easy to use Great app to have on your phone.
Army wife and Army family believes our country really needs this service. Thank you. HOOAH!
Great idea. My eyes and ears are out there to help keep my community safe. I will use this.
Great app!!! Very practical and easy to use. This should be on everyones phone.
This is a fantastic app and should prove to very useful for public safety.
what a gawdawful app to just alert anything the arrogant sheeple of america would love to take advantage of by seeing something that they assume is an act of counter war on terrorism then uisng it to let the police raid their neibhoors homes how CONVINIENT nice going america youve failed big time.